Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. ~Socrates
One of the great secrets of courtship and long-lasting relationships is enjoying good conversation. Like the crafting of love letters, conversation is the life-blood of a loving romance.
If you want to stay together, discuss your dreams and ideas together. A good rule is to share your thoughts and feelings without dominating the conversation. You have two ears and one mouth... so, speak half as much as you listen.
Did you know that the average woman says 10,000 words in a day? Did you know that the average man says only 3,000 words in a day?
These averages mean something.
I do know some lonely guys who speak as much as the average woman and guess what-- their conversation is all about them. I even know a few guys who dominate every conversation. They just don't quite get it.
Men and women are wired differently.
There is a cool teaching in Buddhism about understanding the world around you. What you will SEE when you truly observe things for what they are is that everything has its own nature.
Seek to understand the nature of things and you will be in harmony with them. Seek to understand your partner and the two of you will be in harmony.